1. |
2000/05 |
The effect of voluntary attention on the illusory line motion(2000 ARVO Annual Meetin)
2. |
2001/05 |
The effects of active attention on the ability to engage and disengage passive attention(2001 ARVO Annual Meeting)
3. |
2002/05 |
Does active attention affect the detection of the pop-out target?(2002 VSS Annual Meeting)
4. |
2008/05 |
The effects of active attention on the change detection task(2008 VSS Annual Meeting)
5. |
2009/05 |
The effects of fixation and passive attention on the object recognition(2009 VSS Annual Meeting)
6. |
2009/08 |
Temporal aspect of biomechanical constraint on visual recognition of human body motion(32nd European Conference on Visual Perception)
7. |
2011/05 |
The effects of attentional capture on the target-present and target-absent trials in change blindness(2011 VSS Annual Meeting)
8. |
2012/11 |
9. |
2012/11 |
動的な主観的輪郭と実輪郭における知覚された形状の類似性に関するMDSを用いた検討(日本基礎心理学会 第31回大会)
10. |
2012/11 |
特徴情報が変化の検索・比較処理に及ぼす効果の検討(日本基礎心理学会 第31回大会)
11. |
2013/01 |
12. |
2013/10 |
Visual freshness judgment of fish eyes based on luminance distribution(10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium)
13. |
2013/11 |
14. |
2014/09 |
15. |
2015/01 |
16. |
2015/03 |
Boundary Extension of Image in Visual Perception and Visual Navigation for Motor Control(International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2015)
17. |
2015/06 |
The effects of motor control on the perception of the boundary of photographic image(The 1st International Conference on Advanced Imaging,)
18. |
2015/07 |
19. |
2015/09 |
20. |
2015/11 |
21. |
2015/11 |
22. |
2016/01 |
23. |
2016/05 |
Boundary location of remembered area is determined based on object-centered coordinates(2016 VSS Annual Meeting)
24. |
2016/07 |
The effects of location shift in object-centered and ego-centered coordinates on the boundary extension in visual and motor task(The 31st International Congress of Psychology)
25. |
2016/08 |
How is the remembered area of scenes affected by location shift in object-centered and ego-centered coordinates?(The 39th European Conference on Visual Perception)
26. |
2016/10 |
視覚課題と運動課題を用いた境界拡張現象に対する座標移動の距離の効果(日本基礎心理学会 第35回大会)
27. |
2019/12/01 |
周辺事象への認知判断が顔再認課題の確信度に及ぼす効果(日本基礎心理学会 第38回大会)
28. |
2020/09/08 |
虚偽証言による記憶の改変に対する記憶の参照効果(日本心理学会 第84回大会)
29. |
2020/11/08 |
能動的な刺激呈示と刺激呈示位置への予期が痛みの閾値と不快感へ及ぼす効果(日本基礎心理学会 第39回大会)
30. |
2021/07/19 |
The effect of the controllability of pain caused by self-inducing stimulus on the subjective pain intensity(32st International Congress of Psychology: ICP2020+)
31. |
2021/09 |
他者に対する理解度の認知が好感度に及ぼす効果(日本心理学会 第85回大会)